Agenda - Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

Meeting Venue:

Video Conference via Zoom

Meeting date: 30 September 2020

Meeting time: 09.00
For further information contact:

Sarah Beasley

Committee Clerk

0300 200 6565



In accordance with Standing Order 34.19, the Chair has determined that the public are excluded from the Committee's meeting in order to protect public health. This meeting will be broadcast live on




Informal pre-meeting (09.00-09.30)




1       Introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest




2       Evidence session with the Minister and Deputy Minister for Health and Social Services and the Director General for Health and Social Services and Chief Executive NHS Wales regarding: (i) proposals for a new Velindre cancer centre; (ii) the LCM for the Medicines and Medical Devices Bill; and (iii) the Committee's inquiry into Covid-19

(09.30-10.50)                                                                             (Pages 1 - 59)

Vaughan Gething MS, Minister for Health and Social Services

Julie Morgan MS, Deputy Minister for Health and Social Services

Dr Andrew Goodall, Director General of Health and Social Services and Chief Executive NHS Wales – Welsh Government

Dr Frank Atherton, Chief Medical Officer – Welsh Government

Albert Heaney, Deputy Director General, Health and Social Services Group Welsh Government

Jo-Anne Daniels, Director of Mental Health, Vulnerable Groups and NHS Governance – Welsh Government



Break (10 mins)




3       Evidence session with the Minister and Deputy Minister for Health and Social Services and the Director General for Health and Social Services and Chief Executive NHS Wales regarding: (i) proposals for a new Velindre cancer centre; (ii) the LCM for the Medicines and Medical Devices Bill; and (iii) the Committee's inquiry into Covid-19 (continued)


Vaughan Gething MS, Minister for Health and Social Services

Julie Morgan MS, Deputy Minister for Health and Social Services

Dr Andrew Goodall, Director General of Health and Social Services and Chief Executive NHS Wales

Dr Frank Atherton, Chief Medical Officer – Welsh Government

Albert Heaney, Deputy Director General, Health and Social Services Group Welsh Government

Jo-Anne Daniels, Director of Mental Health, Vulnerable Groups and NHS Governance – Welsh Government



4       Paper(s) to note




4.1   Letter from the Chair to Judith Paget, Chief Executive, Aneurin Bevan UHB regarding rest facilities at the Grange University Hospital

                                                                                                           (Page 60)



4.2   Letter from Chair, Petitions Committee regarding the proposed new Velindre Cancer Centre

                                                                                                           (Page 61)



5       Motion under Standing Order 17.42 (ix) to resolve to exclude the public from the remainder of this meeting




6       Consideration of evidence






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